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MegaBit Music

1124 sounds |
3 sound packs
MegaBit Music, is an electro acoustic composer/producer/sound artist who works with a vast array of weird and wonderful musical (and some not so musical) instruments with the aim to create an eclectic collection of sonic elements for you to use and explore. From exposing the normally inaudible working of the electro-magnetically saturated, data strewn world we now inhabit, to the recording of old, unusual and or rare acoustic, electronic and even 'home made' instruments, to the exploration of tape influenced layering/warping techniques and inspirations drawn from the worlds of Jazz, Classical and Electronic music. MegaBit Music will hopefully provide you the tools and inspiration to create interestingly, beautiful music.
160-LoopHi HatWarped Nostalgia-
--One ShotKickWarped Nostalgia-
--One ShotKickWarped Nostalgia-
165-LoopElectronic BeatWarped Nostalgia-
--One ShotSnareWarped Nostalgia-
170-LoopDrumsWarped Nostalgia-
120-LoopSynthWarped Nostalgia-
145EmLoopSynthWarped Nostalgia-
EPerc_15_646.wav---One ShotPercussionWarped Nostalgia-
170-LoopElectronic BeatWarped Nostalgia-
Hat_13_646.wav---One ShotHi HatWarped Nostalgia-