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Singing Bells

Works with Connect

'Singing Bells' is a beautiful set of aluminium bells recorded with both hard and soft mallets. Both presets provide a unique sound, similar to a church bell or Tibetan bowl. Create eerie and mythical melodies, or try adding the reverb and delay effects to help craft enchanting landscapes.

Recorded at Temple Studio in London, we took no liberties in capturing the extraordinary sound of this instrument. Played with extreme precision by percussionist Sara Loewenthal, multiple velocities and layers were recorded in exceptional detail.

Key Features

  • Multi-sampled aluminium Singing Bells
  • Extensive velocity and round robin layers for ultra-realistic sound
  • 5 Octaves sampled + additional notes resampled
  • Hard and soft mallet presets
  • Pitch, filter, drive, delay & reverb for quick effects

System Requirements

  • Requires the Connect plugin to load
  • 700MB of hard disk space
  • 8 GB of memory is recommended for optimum performance.