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Works with Connect

The Cimbalom is a beautiful hammered dulcimer instrument, popular in central-eastern European cultures. Comprised of metallic strings stretched across a wooden chamber, it is played by striking beaters against the strings.

Performed by renowned Cimbalomist Gregory Knowles and recorded in stunning detail by Noiiz engineers using AKG 414's and a Schoeps Sphere, we’ve captured each note with multiple velocity layers to provide a true and natural tone.

Key Features

  • Multi-sampled concert Cimbalom
  • Extensive velocity and round robin layers for ultra-realistic sound
  • 4 octaves sampled + additional notes resampled
  • Pitch, filter, drive, delay & reverb for quick effects

System Requirements

  • Requires the Connect plugin to load
  • 800 MB of hard disk space
  • 8 GB of memory is recommended for optimum performance.